2014年5月20日 星期二

2014第二梯次BenQ eKIDs Smart Classroom Camp精彩回顧 (A look back at second BenQ eKIDs Smart Classroom Camp for 2014)

2014 年的 BenQ eKIDs Smart Classroom Camp ,我們邀請來自瑞芳的猴硐國小來參與,猴硐國小共 27 名小朋友來參加,小朋友們除了體驗 3D 、投影機 DIY 之外,星空課程特別安排了淺顯的宇宙概論,讓小朋友瞭解到光年的距離,宇宙星團的大小,並利用小朋友對卡通漫畫的喜好,引導小朋友上台體驗 point write 書寫的樂趣。 每季 1 次的快樂互動體驗,邀請各位 BenQer & 集團志工一同參與,留下美好的回憶!

For one of the BenQ eKIDs Smart Classroom Camp events this year, we invited students from Houtong Elementary School in Rueifang Township to attend. A total of 27 schoolchildren participated, enjoying a hands-on workshop featuring a 3D projector, as well as learning about astronomical facts, such as how far a light year is, and the dimensions of the universe and the galaxies in it. Appealing to children’s love of cartoons, camp instructors guided them as they got up on stage to draw cartoons with a BenQ point write device. The camp, which takes place every quarter, is staffed by BenQers and BenQ Group volunteers, and leaves everyone with many wonderful memories.

