2013年4月15日 星期一

明基攜手LEOVATION登陸InfoComm China 2013 (BenQ joins forces with Leovation at InfoComm China 2013)

2013年4月10至12日,中國專業視聽業界的年度盛事InfoComm China 2013在北京國家會議中心正式拉開帷幕。作為國內領先的專業視聽設備與集成技術展覽會,此次展會吸引了22個國家及地區,多達300家國內外優質視聽廠商參展。本次InfoComm上,明基BenQ攜手LEOVATION向觀眾展示了在商用大屏顯示器下的視覺新體驗。據悉,本次展出的超窄邊商用大屏顯示器PH460也為明基超窄邊系列的首亮相。LEOVATION即使用了PH460的兩種拼接方式,完美組成拼接視頻牆,配合互動觸控設計,現場完美呈現了與觀眾互動的視覺新體驗。

From 10 to 12 April, the InfoComm China 2013 exhibition took place in Beijing. China’s leading exhibition dedicated to professional audiovisual equipment and integration technology, this year’s edition of the show attracted attendees from 22 countries and regions, with 300 outstanding domestic and foreign vendors exhibiting. BenQ worked with Leovation for the exhibition, demoing the viewing experience of its large-screen displays for business users. The exhibition marked the first appearance of BenQ’s business-oriented PH406 super-narrow-bezel large-screen monitor. Leovation used the PH406’s two multiple screen modes to seamlessly create a video wall. Drawing on an interactive touchscreen design, the demo perfectly presented a novel interactive visual experience for visitors.

