2012年4月16日 星期一

2012 Q2 健康安全季 活動快報(2012 Q2 campaign focuses on health and safety)

2012 Q2,熱情計畫- 健康安全季,我們安排了各項健康的活動,如健康BenQ擁抱樂活、健康BenQ擁抱舒壓、健康BenQ擁抱自然、健康BenQ擁抱工作、健康BenQ擁抱濱海....等,另外搭配推出安全講習與訓練活動,健康體適能檢測、健康安全消防講習、健康安全CPR急救訓練等系列活動,就等你來參加,和BenQ一起展開健康安全的翅膀!

A campaign with a great deal of passion behind it is running during the second quarter of 2012—the “Health and Safety Quarter”. We have arranged various health-related events, focusing on areas such as LOHAS, tension relief, outdoor activity, healthy work habits...and so on. In addition, safety workshops and training classes are also planned, complementing these events—examples of programs that await your participation include fitness testing, fire safety, and CPR. Join BenQ in seeking greater health and safety for all.

