2012年3月14日 星期三

BenQ台大校園徵才實況報導 以品牌優勢運籌帷幄、決戰千里(BenQ recruitment efforts at National Taiwan University a rousing success, as brand power attracts strong interest from graduating seniors)

3/11 ,是 BenQ 參加台大校園徵才的日子。這一天在台大的椰林大道上,知名企業齊集,BenQ 當然也不能錯過這次盛會,帶著我們的品牌意識與企業文化,用熱情來解答有志於加入品牌行列學子的疑惑!BenQ 「運籌帷幄、決戰千里,一諾千金送好禮」的活動吸引不少同學前來 BenQ 攤位,寫下自己的職涯願望。有的人想要成為品牌行銷人才、有的人想要成為專業的軟體工程師、也有的人想要成為全球業務高手。

當天的活動不僅驗證了 BenQ 身為全球品牌的魅力,也再度讓我們確定,BenQ 身為一個真實、親善、美麗的品牌,能夠以理性的科技專業和感性的人文素養帶給大家更大的夢想和目標!

On March 11, BenQ participated in the annual job fair that takes place on the campus of National Taiwan University. On that day, renowned companies converge on Taiwan’s foremost university, and BenQ of course could not miss this event. Armed with our brand consciousness and corporate culture, we drew on our passion in answering the questions posed by students eager to work at building a brand. BenQ’s booth attracted a number of students with a themed giveaway. There, the students filled out a questionnaire about their career interests. Some expressed a desire to become brand marketers, while others said they wanted to be software engineers. Still others said they hoped to make a name for themselves in global sales.

The day’s events not only attested to the appeal of BenQ as a global brand, but once again enabled us to confirm that as a brand representing truth, goodness, and beauty, BenQ can draw on both rational technological expertise and passionate cultural sensibilities to inspire people to have grander dreams and goals.

