2016年7月25日 星期一

treVolo音樂謎宮網路活動 網友熱烈轉發參與 / Online community responds enthusiastically to treVolo event

treVolo靜電藍牙喇叭於六月份舉辦Facebook音樂 "謎" 宮留言猜歌活動,邀請清新創作系歌手花兒演出創意影片,演繹由treVolo靜電薄膜技術,聽見流行金曲中的音樂細節及感動,受到網友熱情分享轉發,留言次數更達到2千多筆,成功創造網路聲量及提升產品詢問度.

點此看影片 https://www.facebook.com/benq.tw/videos/10154272128915152/

treVolo Bluetooth electrostatic speakers were highlighted in a June online event on Facebook. The event featured a 'musical maze' in which users could leave messages and guess the identity of songs. BenQ invited an up-and-coming local singer-songwriter to perform in a special short film, describing how treVolo's electrostatic speaker technology enables listeners to more clearly hear the musical details in pop songs. The short film was enthusiastically received by the online community, with links to it shared in large numbers. More than 2000 messages were left on the event page, successfully creating online buzz and increasing the level of product inquiries.

To see the film, click this link: https://www.facebook.com/benq.tw/videos/10154272128915152/

