2016年5月12日 星期四

BenQ WiT全系列在中國各大電商平臺持續熱銷中 (Full lineup of BenQ WiT products continue to be hot sellers on Chinese e-commerce platforms)

為了滿足現代閱讀生活的多重用光情境選擇,更完整的佔據高端燈具市場。2016年5月6日,BenQ WiT在BenQ天貓旗艦店正式上新。共推出兩款新品:WiT Genie智能學習護眼燈和WiT Floor時尚閱讀落地燈。至此,新一輪智慧家居選燈熱潮即將掀起,我們期待在中國大陸創造銷售佳績。

In order to satisfy the varied lighting needs of the modern reader, and more completely establish BenQ in the high-end lighting fixtures market, on 6 May 2016 we formally launched BenQ WiT on our Tmall flagship online store. Two new models were launched: the BenQ WiT Genie smart desk lamp and WiT Floor reading lamp. With that, a new wave of purchases of lamps for smart homes will be ignited, and we look forward to achieving excellent sales in China.

