2016年2月16日 星期二

BenQ i910百寸智慧超投電視助力蘇甯25周年司慶 (BenQ i910 100" smart projection TVs build excitement at retailer's anniversary celebration)

12月26日,BenQ  i910百寸智慧超投電視助力蘇甯25周年司慶「Watch ME」英雄聯盟大賽專場活動。本次活動共吸引觀賽1.5萬人次,參賽人數50人次,在活動中,場外助威團通過BenQ i910觀看了全程遊戲直播,向蘇甯的員工傳達我們智慧超投電視新理念,通過遊戲的互動表現,讓客戶體驗百寸超投電視帶來的暢快遊戲體驗。

On December 26, BenQ helped celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Suning Commerce Group, one of China's largest retailers. The company's Watch ME event featured a League of Legends gaming tournament that was viewed by more than 15,000 people. During the event, BenQ i910 projection TVs were used to broadcast matches, conveying the concept behind our smart short-throw projection TVs. The interactivity of the games enabled users to experience the fluid, vividly rendered video provided by our 100" smart projection TV.

