2015年11月22日 星期日

BenQ參加印尼工業技術展 (BenQ Indonesia joined Indonesia Infrastructure Week 2015)

為了開發B2B市場,BenQ參加印尼「Infrastructure Week 」,會中展出教育用短焦投影機、商用大型顯示器等。獲得媒體露出並連繫與廠商的關係。

In order to develop B2B market, BenQ Indonesia joined Indonesia Infrastructure Week 2015 (“IIW”15) on Nov. 4 – 6. IIW'15 brings together Indonesia’s leading infrastructure related exhibitions, conferences and seminars under one roof with the aim of supporting sustainable and inclusive development across all facets of Indonesia’s national infrastructure development. In IIW, BQid well demonstrate the short-throw projector MX631ST, MW853UST+ to education user, and DSP ST550K, BH280, IFP 79”, RP551+ & PL550 video wall for Industry user on site. Success to approach Indonesian Enterprise Sector, Government representative and media people. Till today, there are 10 media coverage were generated and got 30 business leads.

