2015年2月23日 星期一

BenQ三坪機「愛很簡單從投開始」系列微電影上線,首週即破百萬觀賞人次 (BenQ short film reaches more than one million views in first week)


「愛很簡單,從投開始」微電影共有三集:紙婚篇、糖婚篇、錫婚篇。紙婚談論的是新婚妻子融入夫家的適應問題、糖婚則是探討夫妻生活重心被瑣事與小孩包圍而疏遠的問題、而錫婚則是婚姻關係已邁入十年,如何帶給對方浪漫的小驚喜。在這些過程當中安排了BenQ 三坪機是一個表達關心的媒介,希望透過BenQ三坪機,讓對方感受到自己的關心,重拾戀愛時彼此開心甜蜜的感覺,讓夫妻之間雖然是家人的關係,也要時時保有戀人的甜蜜。紙婚篇於1月中上線,才一週即破百萬觀看人次,目前於Facebook、Youtube 累積之觀看人次更高達200萬!不少網友表示微電影真實地反應現實生活中夫妻之間的相處,也更認同BenQ投影機扮演凝聚夫妻感情、增添生活情趣的角色,對BenQ品牌與產品印象大大加分!
To increase consumer familiarity with projectors and expand demand for projectors among families, BenQ has created a series of short films with a family-oriented theme in which our short-throw projectors are featured. BenQ spokespeople actor Lan Cheng-lung and actress Janine Chang starred in these short films, depicting the relationship between a couple after one, six, and ten years of marriage. The movies counter the impression among ordinary consumers that projectors are cold, impersonal devices with little relevance to their daily lives, using scenarios close to their personal experience to convey how projectors can add to the sense of warmth and togetherness between a husband and wife. The films develop the idea of a spouse as lover, showing how even after marriage, a man and woman can continue to see each other in same romantic light they did before marriage. Our hope is that BenQ short-throw projectors’ large 100” picture can help bring couples closer: giving them a way to enjoy the romance of a movie date, share their favorite videos, or sing to karaoke videos—all right at home. Enjoying the big-screen viewing experience in their own home is more relaxing and comfortable, while allowing them to freely create their own little world. The films enable viewers to vicariously experience the enhanced quality of life that BenQ’s short-throw projectors can provide.

There are three films in this year’s series: the first depicting a couple after one year of marriage, the second about a couple after six years of marriage, and a third focusing on a couple after ten years of marriage. The first film examines the problems that couples face in adjusting to living with the husband’s parents, a common scenario in Asia. The second film takes a look at the problems a couple faces as their focus shifts from each other to the realities of married life and children, creating a sense of distance. The third film depicts how a couple can create little romantic surprises for each other even as their marriage hits the ten-year mark. In these stories, a BenQ short-throw projector serves as a medium through which couples can express their caring for each other, reawakening the tender joy of courtship, helping them maintain their relationship as lovers alongside their familial relationship. After the first film was posted in January, it gained more than a million views in a week, and has now accumulated a combined 2 million views on Facebook and Youtube. A number of online commenters have remarked on how realistically the film reflects the realities of married life, and expressed their agreement that a BenQ projector has a role to play in bringing a couple closer together and adding joy to their lives. The movie is greatly benefiting the BenQ brand and image.

