2015年1月27日 星期二

BenQ顯示器在日本獲獎 (LCD #1 in Japan BCN Award 2015 Sharing)


BenQ Japan- BenQ LCD Monitor won the BCN Award 2015 as #1 monitor brand in Japan in 2014.
Detailed information and announcement  http://bcnranking.jp/news/1501/150109_29662.html

Winning the award in such a competitive country like Japan is remarkable and we believe this could be a good story to promote, thus we encourage that you incorporate this message in the PR release when launching new models or updating local LCD business; besides, it’ll be good to share it on local official site and Facebook page. I shall update you the post on BenQ Club later. For last mile POSM, please feel free to use the BCN Award logo and mark #1 in Japan. Award logos in Japanese and English are attached for use.

