2013年12月11日 星期三

BenQ參加祕魯Mas Gamers電競活動 (Mas Gamers Tech Festival VI ,Perú)

BenQ參加祕魯最大的Mas Gamers電競活動,與其他知名品牌共同展出最新電競產品。BenQ展出電競螢幕及投影機系列,吸引玩家注意。

BenQ participated in one of the biggest gaming national events in Perú,  along with several other brands like Gigabyte, Asus, Samsung and Sony’s Playstation brand.

BenQ exhibited several  of our monitors,  as well as some of our projectors,  and we did demonstrations where the attendees were to try out our products.
We were also one of the sponsors for the DOTA gaming tournament that took place during the event, and awarded the winners 6 of our gaming models.

