2013年6月13日 星期四

BenQ總部同仁 艷陽高照,全員成功@草山計畫,第二站 B:004.竹林古道線【myDream ‧ myLife】 (BenQ headquarters colleagues test their endurance with a mountain hike along an ancient trail)

記憶深刻的頂山古道線,風雨無阻的擎天崗直攻七星山還歷歷在目,本次共 30 位 BenQer 繼續挑戰竹林古道線。擺脫連日來的陰雨, 5/25( 六 ) 氣候相當的好,艷陽高照,精神抖擻的 BenQer 從 8:00 捷運新北投站出發, 12:30 竹子湖, 15:30 公車總站,總長 13km ,我們一步一步的用雙腳征服陽明山。



With scenes from the last group hike in Taipei’s Yangmingshan mountain area still fresh in our memories, 30 BenQers embarked on new hike, following the Zhulin (“bamboo forest”) Trail. After consecutive days of overcast skies, that Saturday, the 25th of May, brought nice weather, with lots of sunshine. The excited BenQers met at 8 o’clock at a subway station near Yangmingshan to begin the hike, reaching Zhuzihu (“bamboo lake”), a plateau renowned for its calla lily and other flowers at 12:30. From there, they hiked to a bus stop for the ride back down into the city. The hike covered a total of 13 kilometers, taking in a varied range of mountain scenery and magnificent views of Taipei.

The team leaders showed the way along the hiking trail, which traces an ancient route that rises steeply to a mountain peak, an exhausting path but one that offers spectacular views of the city streets and Jilong River far below. At the peak, a scenic pavilion provided a panorama of such beauty that it inspired repeated exclamations from the tired BenQers.

Finally, everyone arrived in Zhuzihu, greeted by the magnificent sight of fields covered with hydrangea blossoms, in a riot of blue, purple, and pink. A fog had settled in to shroud Zhuzhihu, adding to the visual poetry of the scene. Rested once more, everyone walked to the bus stop for the trip back to the city, with everyone expressing their anticipation for the next hike.

