2012年11月13日 星期二

明基逐鹿加入中小企業雲端應用服務聯盟 (BenQ Guru joins small business cloud services group)


該組織根據中小企業對雲端服務需求,整合現有國內相關雲端服務資源,由產、官、學、研共組團隊,以提供多元化行動服務應用,讓廣大中小企業享受雲端運算所帶來的便捷。明基逐鹿以其豐富的客戶經驗,協同Google亞太區SMB 團隊、資訊服務業者以及公協會法人組織(中華民國軟協、資策會雲端所),共同攜手催生此服務平臺。

會中,明基逐鹿代表曾文興先生建議中小企業主,應該審慎考慮在合理成本投資下,導入雲端資訊平台,利用 IT 技術協助公司的治理體質的改善,以達成高效成長的目的。

The “Small and Medium Enterprise Cloud Services Alliance” promoted by the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ Small and Medium Enterprise Administration held its inaugural meeting on 30 October in Taipei’s NanKang Software Incubator.

The organization’s mission is to integrate cloud services resources in Taiwan based on the needs of small and medium businesses (SMB). With members drawn from industry, government, academia, and research institutions, the team will provide a diverse range of mobile services applications, enabling a broad segment of small businesses to enjoy the conveniences and efficiencies brought by cloud computing. BenQ Guru is drawing on its wealth of experience with customers, working with Google Asia-Pacific’s SMB team, information technology services providers, and associations (Information Service Industry Association of R.O.C. and Institute for Information Industry’s Cloud System Software Institute) to bolster this service platform.

During the meeting, BenQ Guru representative Joshua Tzeng recommended that small business owners, while keeping investments of capital reasonable, carefully consider introducing cloud-based platforms into their operations, using information technology to help improve company management and thereby achieve the objectives of greater efficiency and growth.

