2012年5月13日 星期日

RL系列電競螢幕於泰國、菲律賓網咖大受歡迎(RL-series Growth with Gaming Café in Thailand and Philippines)

BenQ把握泰國及菲律賓線上遊戲用戶增加的機會,在D-Sports Games等各大網咖衝出針對RTS遊戲的RL系列電競顯示器銷量,也期望藉此吸引當地的隱性消費者,再創銷售佳績。

Taking the opportunities of booming gaming cafés, around 2K BenQ RL-series were sold and installed at D-Sports Games in Thailand and Mineski in Philippines in past few weeks. In those countries, RTS games like DotA are quite popular and young people usually play game with friends at gaming café, where better bandwidth and facility are offered. BenQ seize the market trend and approach the shop owners with RL-series' fantastic gaming features; which not only help the gaming cafés to outstand from the crowd and attract customers, but also bring more BenQ awareness to the potential buyers.

D-Sports Games Till now, 1,702 pcs of RL2240H were installed in their 35 gaming cafés. We foresee 20K sales in 2012, with 400 gaming cafés planned by DCOM, and each shop is with around 50 to 80pcs of RL2240H.

